An Introduction to Symbols in JavaScript

Jun 19, 2020

Symbols are a primitive data type in JavaScript, like number, boolean, or null. They're often used to avoid property name conflicts, or to simulate private values on JavaScript objects.

You can create a symbol by calling the global function Symbol():

const sym = Symbol();

The Symbol() function takes one parameter, a string description that shows up when you print the symbol.

const sym = Symbol('my description');

console.log(sym); // Prints "Symbol(my description)"

Key Features

Symbols have two key features. The first key feature is that no two symbols are ever equal. Even if two symbols have the same description, they are not equal.

Symbol() === Symbol(); // false

Symbol('test') === Symbol('test'); // false

The second key feature is that object keys can be symbols. In general, object keys can only be symbols or strings.

const test = Symbol('test');

const obj = {};
obj.test = 'hello';
obj[test] = 'world';

obj.test; // 'hello'
obj[test]; // 'world'

Since no two symbols are ever equal, you can't access a symbol property unless you have access to the symbol. This makes symbols convenient for creating hidden values that can only be accessed within a certain function.

function addSymbol(obj) {
  const sym = Symbol('test');
  obj[sym] = 'my hidden value';

  return obj;

const obj = addSymbol({});
// No way to access obj[sym] here, unless you explicitly look
// into `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()`.

Symbols are also excluded from JSON.stringify() output, which makes them ideal for storing program-only data that end users shouldn't see.

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