The `before()` Hook in Mocha

Jul 31, 2023

By default, Mocha's BDD interface adds a global before() function that registers a function Mocha will run before any tests. before() is similar to beforeEach(); the key difference is that before() will run at most once, beforeEach() will run once before every test.

// Prints "Running before!"
before(function() {
  console.log('Running before!');

it('test1', function() {});
it('test2', function() {});

before() is typically used to set up any logic that is too slow to execute before every test, like establishing a database connection or starting an HTTP server. You can use beforeEach() instead of before() in most cases.

With describe()

You can also call before() in a describe(). That tells Mocha to run the before() function before any tests in the describe().

// Prints "Running before!"
describe('suite', function() {
  before(function() {
    console.log('Running before!');

  it('test1', function() {});
  it('test2', function() {});

Mocha is smart enough to skip the before() hook if there's no tests to run in your describe(). For example, if you run a single test using .only(), the before() hook in the following example will not run.

// Does **not** print "Running before!"
describe('suite', function() {
  before(function() {
    console.log('Running before!');

  it('test1', function() {});
  it('test2', function() {});

it.only('test3', function() {});

Working Around Linters

By default, linters like ESLint complain that before() is not defined. There are a couple of workarounds. First, you can explicitly import before() from Mocha:

const { before } = require('mocha');

Or, you can set the ESLint Mocha environment in a .eslintrc.js in your test folder as follows. For example, Mongoose uses this approach to avoid having to explicitly import Mocha hooks.

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
  env: {
    mocha: true

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