Using Provide and Inject in Vue.js
Mar 22, 2021
Vue's provide/inject API is a neat way to send props directly to the component you want while avoiding prop drilling. To use provide and inject, you declare what variables you will send (provide) in one component, then each component underneath it can define what variables it will receive (inject). Below is a live example with code:
const app = Vue.createApp({
provide() {
return { state: 'Hi grandma' };
template: "<div><child /></div>",
app.component("child", {
template: "<grandchild />",
// Displays "Hi grandma", despite the fact that `state` isn't a prop.
app.component("grandchild", {
inject: ["state"],
template: "<h2>{{state}}</h2>",
To make your injected property reactive, wrap it
around the reactive
property. In the setup
define a variable to store the reactive property and then
use Vue.provide
to give access to the child components.
Below is a live example with code:
const example = Vue.createApp({
setup: function() {
const state = Vue.reactive({ message: "Row" });
Vue.provide("state", state);
return state;
template: `
<child />
<button v-on:click="message += ' row'">Add</button>
example.component("child", {
template: "<grandchild />"
example.component("grandchild", {
inject: ["state"],
template: "<h2>{{state.message}} your boat</h2>"
With inject
, you don't have to explicitly pass a state
to the child component.
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