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Become a Full-Stack Mongoose Expert

The complete guide to building and maintaining fast, production-ready apps with Mongoose, written by Mongoose's Lead Developer.

Full-Stack Node.js and MongoDB, Explained

Let's face it, building APIs can be a real pain in the backend. You as an API architect are responsible for shipping new features while maintaining data integrity, security, developer experience, and performance. Imagine yourself being confident you can deliver all this and more.

Mongoose is the most popular Node.js database framework. Over 1 million GitHub projects depend on Mongoose, ranging from student projects to startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Mastering Mongoose will teach you the guiding principles for building production-ready APIs and backend services with Node.js and MongoDB. You'll learn:

Mastering Mongoose packs all this and more into a concise 153 pages. That means you can become a Mongoose expert in days, not months. Stop copy/pasting snippets from StackOverflow and become the backend expert your team relies on.

Meet the Author: Valeri Karpov

Hi, I'm Val. I'm a full stack JavaScript developer based in Miami, FL. I've been the maintainer of Mongoose since April 2014, and I've been building apps using Mongoose since 2012.

In Mastering Mongoose, I've distilled 8 years of experience building Mongoose apps into a few hours of reading. This eBook isn't a full Mongoose reference. It's a carefully curated guide explaining the lessons I've learned building Mongoose apps with dozens of contributors and hundreds of millions of documents.

I'm the author of Mastering Async/Await, The 80/20 Guide to ES2015 Generators, and Professional AngularJS. I've also written dozens of Mongoose tutorials on my blog.

Sample Apps

Mastering Mongoose comes with 4 sample apps built to demonstrate the eBook's lessons. These apps include:

Realtime Websocket Chat

A chat app built with vanilla JS on the frontend. Chat messages are sent in realtime using websockets.

The backend is powered by Express and ws. The app demonstrates how to use the same port for both HTTP and websockets, as well as how to integrate Mongoose with websockets.

React Shopping Cart

A sample music shop built with React. Includes test payment integration with Puppeteer.

The backend is built with Express. This app demonstrates how to manage a shopping cart with Express and Mongoose, including how to check out with Stripe.

Vue Stock Portfolio

A Vue app that calculates the total value of your stock portfolio. Includes server-side rendering and end-to-end tests powered by Puppeteer.

The Express-based backend demonstrates how to handle pre-fetching data for server-side rendering.

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